Monday, October 6, 2014

Our Story

Welcome to my SCDForKids blog.  I am a Christian, homeschooling, stay-at-home mom to six children, two of which have Crohn's disease (well, actually, my 12yo is in the process of being diagnosed...but we're fairly sure that's what he has).

Here is a brief version of our story so far...

In November of 2011 my then 6yo son, Jaden, (born 12/04) had been having very soft stool for about...would you believe it...a year.  No pain that he told me of, and the doctors said it was probably no big deal and that he just needed more fiber in his diet.  In about October of 2011, he started experiencing stomach pain after breakfast in the morning and occasional vomiting.  My guess is the orange juice he was drinking, with all of it's acid, was really burning up the sores inside his intestines.  I took him to our doctor again, and she noted that he has not gained weight or height in a while, and we decided to get him tested.  She reassured me that it probably was NOT Crohn's, but probably celiac.  So, that is what I started gearing myself up for a "gluton free" diet.  We went into the hospital to get his upper and lower endoscopy done...and the doctor hit me with, "It's Crohn's."  I was devastated and scared to death.

Thankfully, I had some friends on Facebook who knew about diets such as The Specific Carbohydrate Diet, GAPS, and the like.

Okay, let me speed things up, this is getting long.  Sorry!  Jaden was put on prednizone and Mercaptopurine.  I immediately started the SCDiet.  It was very tough at first...I was already scared and anxious...and switching to a whole new way of eating (his favorite food was Kraft Mac and Cheese) wasn't easy. is worth it.  He has been symptom free since starting the diet (meds might have had something to do with that), and his blood work has come back positive every since.  He has now been med-free...MED FREE!...since the summer of 2013.  He is very accustomed to the diet now, and rarely "cheats."  He has also had a second upper and lower endoscopy, and is completely healed.  Praise God!

Now, my 12yo son, Jordan, started having stomach pain and soft stool around August of 2014.  I didn't worry at first...thought it was just a tummy bug...but when it didn't go away I became suspicious.  He is now in the process (getting his upper and lower endoscopy for diagnosis on 10/14/14) of being diagnosed, and I am already implementing the diet for him.

We have decided to basically become an SCD family.  I do still serve mashed potatoes and rice to the other children, along with natural bread...along with a few other "illegals."

So, that's my story.  I decided to start this blog because, although there are many wonderful recipes out there, many of them are geared more towards the adult crowd.

I wish you the best on your journey and hope you enjoy this blog!

- Tracey

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